We are really honest about products when it comes to quality. We serve different type of customers with different needs.
Some customers own multiple general stores and sell and test different products per day. Which is ok for us and we can fulfill those orders.
But always be aware, when testing a product you most of the time sell a photo, without knowing how the product is really packed and what the risks are and if the price/quality ratio is good enough to accept. Especially on the end-customer’s side.
Most dropshippers use Aliexpress as a reference for their cost price and set their sell price based on that. For example if someone sees a product for 4 to 5 usd including shipping and then re-sells it for 35 or 40 usd, the final customer expects it to be of a certain quality.
So when we order your product and finally see the quality and you expect it to be a 40 usd quality product. Then this will not always be the case. Most of the time it is the same type of quality as of Aliexpress. So always be aware of the risks you take whenever it comes to testing. Some products do have a good quality/price ratio, but some just don’t.
Then we also have customers who own branded stores and don’t sell a high range of products, but just a few. For them we buy more samples and give more options on how to pack or what to do. The build up can take some time, but the rewards are very good.