Probably not. This has to do that we ship most of the products in custom made export boxes, so the weight will always be a little higher compared to a Aliexpress seller. On Aliexpress it is all based on price and competition between the Chinese sellers. So if they can cut the weight anywhere when packing a product they will do this. We don’t care so much about the weight, we care more about how the package looks like and what the final customer thinks about it.

We also use only 3 to 5 premium shipping lines out of 80 available. The reason why we narrowed this down over the years, is because those 3 to 5 have better tracking and user experience compared to the cheaper lines or postal lines. This saves a lot of trouble and headache for all of us. They are, in our opinion the best on the market, based on price and service.

So if you are looking to save pennies we are not the right fit for you. If you are looking for a fulfillment centre who operates as your personal sourcing agent who cares about details and who wants to build a long relationship , then you have come to the right address.